The Earl's Feast

The Earl's Feast. A glorious day. All Oxford attends, as well as many dignitaries and special friends from across the Kingdom.

A day of jousting, fairs, horse talk, gossip, courting, and finally the Great Feast itself. The guests arrive in the Hall in all their finery. Lords, Ladies, Knights, Squires, all file in and bow respects to Earl Boso as is his due.

Then the meal. What a feast! Chickens, hams, pork, exotic meats, spices, herbs, delicate decorations perched on beautiful cakes, sweets, pies, cheeses, all served with flowing wine.

After the meal, the speeches. Earl Boso praises his guests, praises the cooks, and praises the Knight Padern and his son Sawel for their help in organising this magnificence. A drunken Knight staggers to his feet and praises God, Arthur Pendragon, and Boso for our health and peace. Slurred and as base as it was said the sentiment receives a rousing cheer. Then the dancing begins. The Minstrels are excellent, friends of Sawel who were drawn to play by his efforts alone. The Earl slaps him on the back for his excellent choice. Sawel himself plays fiddle on the first dance before being drawn into it himself.

The black night is kept at bay by the bright gaiety of the Hall, even hours in, the wine still flows and music still thumps along. Sawel finds himself by the separate table where the wine is stored. A tankard is passed to him by Elad, one of his own squires. The Lady Germon joins him.

If male the Lady Germon would be heir to a Knights fortune, as fate has made her a woman she is forced to seek a suitable mate. Unfortunately her, liberal, antics before her brother and father's untimely deaths have left her with a tarnished reputation. Most gossip and rumours of the Feast have involved her. Sawel is polite and distant from her. They know of each other, and she has been observing him from afar for awhile, as he is well aware.

"A fine Feast" she says looking him in the eyes. They are nearly the same height. "Indeed" he says breaking eye contact to drain his tankard. Elad replaces it, trying not to overdo his, pretence of not listening.

"How is you?" she tries again for a conversation. He looks to her again. "Fine, my Lady. How is you?" She smiles and looks away, as if embarrassed. Sawel notices her full figure and beautiful outfit.

"Well, very well. It has been a most wonderful day.....would you care for a walk?" To refuse would be to embarrass himself.

"Certainly, my Lady". They walk to the Gallery. Several couples see them, the rumours will be thick on the ground even before they return.

Lady Germon guides them to a seat on the Gallery overlooking the Hall. The dancing continues below. Sawel briefly makes eye contact with his father, he smiles knowingly at his boy.

"Your looking magnificent" he says to the Lady for indeed, she is. A sure sign of wealth.
"My only indulgence for the year". Sawel thinks though the year; indeed it could be, involved as he is in his knightly training he has not noted her presence at the Earl's events. Perhaps the death of her family maturated her? He looks closely at her. Her face is pretty and perhaps her eyes shine with more wisdom than youthfulness this year.

"How goes your training?" She takes his arm and squeezes the muscles "keeping you fit, obviously". Sawel smiles for her, such contact is not unusual for him, but not in such a public gathering. It must reflect on his face.
"Relax my friend. This seat is positioned so to be able to see below without being seen by those below". He blushes somewhat , to be discovered in such a place with a Lady of rank and standing.....he draws in a breath.

"My training goes well Lady. Indeed I may be presented to the Earl soon." She keeps hold of his arm.
"Indeed" she smiles" I will admit to of watched you before now. You are a very impressive man". She brushed back his long red hair with her other hand. He starts to rise in shock.
"M'Lady, please". She forces him down and withdraws her hands, smiles as she does so. There is a glint of seriousness in her eyes as she watches his face.
"How is your father?" she asks locking eye contact.
"He is well. The Estate is well, but requires his time". She looks away, her face set. "I believe I know how he feels. My own lands take up much of my own time. James Herwick, my Steward helps considerably, but I still wish for my father's hand to guide me, she pauses briefly as is looking at something else, "or another man" she adds in almost a whisper. Sawel catches it, but keeps his face neutral. "I must find a suitor" she continues normally "soon, or else my lands will revert to the King's control. It is the way of things."

"You will make someone a fine wife". Sawel says carefully. She breaks into a wide smile and pats his inner thigh.
"As you will a husband", she says. It is his turn to smile.
"A Feast kiss, as is a Lady's right?" She asks. He nods assent, it is the Lady's right to ask. She leans over and kisses him full on the lips. His eyes light up as she plants a hand in his groin, her eyes light up as if surprised or amused. A smile passes into her eyes as she withdraws. He remains still a moment taken aback.

"Thank you" he stammers finally, smiling.
"No. Thank you" she says "you are most impressive". Sawel shifts his massive frame and stands up, offering her his hand.
"A dance?" he suggests. She takes his hand and rises to her feet gracefully.
"Why not" she says and takes his arm.
As they descend the stairs Sawel knows something important just happened.
He certainly gained a friend if nothing else. As they move to the floor to dance, he catches his father looking at them as the Earl says something to him. It is a bit disconcerting as they laugh, then dancers hide them.

The Lady Germon takes up the beat and he pushes it from his mind, whatever happens today has been a good day........................

The End

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