Avalon Nights

 Part One

 Rhino slept alone tonight. His lady love Lady Sapphire having returned briefly home on Unicorn business before the Parliament next week. His bed felt huge and cold without her. Rhino would normally sleep lightly as benefited a Dwarvern war leader, however tonight even that sleep alluded him. His body was tired but the mind still raced. It had been a long day- all the people coming and going, William arriving, letters and dispatches from all over Avalon and beyond into Edjera. The lack of news about the remains of the vanquished Chaos army was a concern still- Rhino wiggled around trying to find a comfortable spot- stop worrying, what's the point of a Command structure if none does their jobs? he mused. On top of everything else he had a moody Ogre on his hands.

 Ormardu had been acting odd since the expedition down below. Admittedly he'd come close to death when they had met that spirit but something was bothering him. The Ogre was more short tempered than usual and drinking a lot more. It had begun to affect his job- its hard to be open and accommodating when your bodyguard growled at anyone who came close. Ormardu was not talking about it though and he would have to work it out himself.

 Rhino snuggled deeper, thoughts of Sapphire on his mind, he began to drop off. Before he was fully asleep a roar broke the silent night. Rhino was out of bed before the walls had stop vibrating, a small black hammer in hand (just because your at home doesn't mean you should relax completely- Dwarvern war rule No.3). Rhino knew that roar- only the Ogre could make that much noise. Hammer in hand, Rhino charged out of the room.

 Ellendain was meditating. He sat cross legged in loose robes on the floor of his chambers. There is such peace at Camelot he mused- unlike at his Barony. The scars of Thomas's betrayal had yet to be fully removed. The Manor House where he's butchered his entire household was still being demolished, the land it stood on to be blessed and purified.......


Stop thinking about it he told himself. Positive thoughts. He sank deeper into his trance. Peace. Camelot had been so quiet since they had descended down below and defeated that spirit masquerading as one of Avalon's Heroes. The castle had been quiet, no noises, no rumbles, nothing. Well apart from Ormardu being a little more grumpy than normal, but ah well....

Ormardu was Ellendain's second in command. A logical choice given he was Rhinos bodyguard and very visible. The Defenders needed to be there and visible- partly as a deterrent to show that the person was guarded, and partly because of the very real dangers the command group faced. Ellendain wanted to be with Rhino and Ormardu full time himself, but his very real duties at his Barony......He signed and rose from his stance. Too wound up he thought and left his chambers.

Walking always helped, always had. He'd walked from his homeland nine hundred years ago, he'd walked to Avalon’s green fields. Walking to the keep roof wasn't quite the same, but as needed. It was a clear, slightly chilly night. The full moon shone down brightly. The guard nodded acknowledgement  as he went up to the battlements. Ellendain did this often when he stayed at Camelot, the guardsmen were used to it.

 The Elf stared out at the landscape of grey and sliver. Below he could see lights from the guard house and turrets, Prince Bishops lights were on. He caught the occasional neigh of one of the rare Avalonian horses in the stables. Quiet.

A rumble built beneath his feet- he felt it before he heard it, then a roar split the night, a cry of power. Ellendain knew that roar, had heard it all too recently. The castle was rousing around him as he ran for the stairs.  With the roar in his ears he ran the corridors to Ormardu's Den.


Ormardu's chambers were next to Rhinos (after much debate). The Ogre had 'decorated' them by throwing large amounts of furs around. Add bottles, bones, and things he'd collected and the whole place had become his Den, he liked it like that. Now as Ellendain rounded the last corner he was not surprised to see Rhino standing outside the room. Under his booted feet were furs apparently thrown out of the room, the door itself lay in two parts, obviously blown outward. As he came to a stop Prince Bishop William Hatfield came up the stairs on the other side of Rhino. Behind him Ellendain could hear the running feet of the guardsmen. Rhino was staring into the room, his face as serious as Ellendain could ever remember seeing him.

Blood pounding in his Elven ears Ellendain looked in. The interior was hidden by a flickering orange field. It blocked the doorway completely. William Hatfield arrived.

"What happened?" he asked. The Prince Bishop was an odd man, as tall as an Elf he was thin but strongly built. His features were young, but his eyes spoke of experiences far beyond his years. William Hatfield commanded respect and got it. If not for the Gods he may well have been faction leader.

"William, remember I discussed the spirit we battled with you?" Rhino voice was tense, tight with a steel sharp edge.

"You mentioned it when I arrived, wha.." Rhino interrupted his second in command.

"Its in there"

"It was destroyed!" Ellendain cried.

"Obviously not" Rhino said with sarcasm.

"I saw its body fall into that pit- I grabbed Ormardu before he fell with it. It was dead"

"You can kill the shell, but not always the spirit" William said quietly.

"He touched the mace, it grabbed his arm........oh gods...." Ellendain almost whispered. Rhino spoke with anger.

"Nobody comes here and threatens a Lion. Nobody comes here and threatens my friends. Nobody" he took a step forward.

"Rhino, you can't go in there" Ellendain said. If he was lost....

"Stuff it up your arse" Rhino cut back.

"Rhino, what are you..."William never finished the sentence. Rhino jumped though. Ellendain a second after; the orange field crackled and whirled, then settled down humming loudly.

William turned to the silent guardsmen

"Call the Council together he said quietly "we have a major problem".

 End of Part One.

Read Part 2

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